Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Self control... such a difficult thing

Self Control... it covers so many things in life from spending money, to your words, to your reactions, to your food intake...

I feel like I'm in an 80's or 90's t.v. sitcom today. You know when all the different characters have totally separate stuff in life going on, yet it all relates to the same topic? Except that, for the most part I'm talking about different areas of my life going on and all having the same topic.

I fell off the wagon with logging my food and calories 2 weeks before Thanksgiving!  Arrrgh, I started the month off strong, but that one weekend of over indulgence, and a weeknight then two with 1 glass of wine which turned into 2 which turned into unnecessary food intake.  So, I am REALLY struggling to get my eating back under control. If you don't know me very well, yes I am a trainer. Yes I talk the talk, but I certainly am not perfect at walking the walk.  It's almost worse seeing that it's out of control when that little food monster inside of me takes over.  Because I know full well that when the monster settles down and my belly is ridiculously full, but especially the next morning when the monster is still sleeping, I'm gonna feel so terrible that I actually ate all that I ate, no matter how big or small the bites. I mean, you would think that my belly was a bottomless pit!  I seriously think I lack the Gruelin hormone that tells your brain to STOP eating. I think they should do some research on Gruelin supplementation. I'd be the first to sign up for that study. Anyway,

I'm also struggling with emotions. Someone said something to me that I found offensive (I said, "I'll pray for you", by the way, to which he responded, "don't push your beliefs on me"). Now this is a person who I've known a long time, oh forget the charade, it's my brother. He loves irritating people by saying offensive things.  So, I'm pretty p.o.'d about this. But he is in the middle of a difficult situation so when I wanted to tell him, "if you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" God told me to do that. So I just said "I hope things go well today." Even though I really wanted to say "well, F  you then." (yeah, I know. See it's that little monster again!)  But I fumed about it to several people, including my husband and thank God he and my girlfriends are all Godly and have given me Godly advice.  Because if I were a selfish person (...withholding a negative comment...) then I would totally have told him off even though he's in the midst of this stuff.  But God told me, "Vicki! You are not suppose to be angry. You are suppose to be forgiving." Then my friend read a quote about how society thinks that to love you have to agree on everything, but really love is about respecting people's differences.  Then I saw another quote in another friend's book about forgiveness and love.  God OK I hear you!!  So, I need to control my emotions, my anger, my frustration, my resentment and give it all to God.   I can't change anyone and shouldn't let them derail me, my sense of worth or my beliefs, but it sure is hard not to get mad and instead forgive and love.  But God calls us to.  And we can CHOOSE to or not, but it all comes down to SELF-CONTROL. I'm not saying we don't need a higher power to help. Although this person doesn't think there is a higher power, I firmly do.

So today, my goal is to make my MAKER happy and proud. I WILL keep praying! I will pray for my brother who told me not to, for his heart and his situation, and I will pray for ME and my heart and my situation.

Now off my soap box about that...the point is, Self Control is not easy, but it is necessary for your health, for your relationships, for your sanity.  When it comes to food, sometimes we need to a seek a higher power. I need my brain to work a little harder. I need to use discernment, am I hungry or am I thirsty? Sometimes I just need to keep my butt OUT OF THE KITCHEN!  We're all different, but those of us with food struggles have a lot in common.  I don't have any great concluding statements. I think I just need a miracle at this point, on both of the above topics.

I hope everyone is able to Love above all this holiday season. Have some self control and come out on top.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

So my intention was to do Part III of the biggest myths, but I have the urge to talk about something else.

My friend always tells me how she's not creative in the kitchen, but that I am SOOOOO creative.  Well, I'm here to de-bunk THAT myth.  I am really NOT that creative in the kitchen!

My mom loves to tell the story of when I was being a bratty 15 year old.  She told me put the spaghetti noodles in the pot.  Meaning to get them started cooking on the stove. Well, being the brat that I was at the time, I put that entire BAG (yes plastic bag) in an empty pot on the stove.  I said, "What? You told me to put the noodles in the pot and I did!"  And then my mom quickly proceeds to tell people how far I've come by adding spinach to my blueberry protein muffins and using Kashi cereal instead of rice krispy's for "Marshmallow Treats". And all the delicious dinners I make.

But here's the deal, as my dear friend said, "Vicki knows how to turn something bland into something tasty with 'a dash of this and a dash of that'".  But here's my secret.  I LOOOVE seasoned salt. But it is fuuuuul oooof SUGAR!  So, I just looked up the ingredients on the internet - where you REALLY CAN FIND ANYTHING!!  I wrote them down and put them in the FRONT of my recipe binder, where all of my other printed recipes are.  Sometimes I put all of those ingredients together, with much less or no sugar. If I haven't made the time to do that I just add them separate to whatever I'm cooking - I use the SAME INGREDIENTS PEOPLE!!  Onion powder, Garlic powder, Oregano, Paprika and a bit of Salt all go a loooong way when it comes to flavor-flave!!  I might get "creative" when it comes to adding more of this or that because the taste is just a bit off sometimes it works, but my family will definitely attest to all of the FAILURES in flavor that I've had as well. Those are times I REALLY got creative- not so successful.

(moving onto deeper things)
All of this "creativity" started when I was FORCED to find dairy free recipes for foods when my son was born and allergic to dairy.  Everything I ate had dairy. (If you know me and have been reading my blogs or emails you have heard this over and over again. It IS a recurring theme and obviously, literally, a life changer for me.)  I mean, butter and sour cream and cream of whatever soup make EVERYTHING taste good. Milk products tend to be fattening and have their very own built in sugars and added salts.  So of course it tastes good, it's full of JUNK!  Oh what society's taste-buds have come to!! And eating out is THE WORST.  People do NOT realize the dairy that is added to foods and seasonings!  I thought Chick-fil-A was safe. It's certainly healthier than it's competitors, but NO!! The chicken's MARINADE has dairy products in it!  Here's another great story. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant, seeing as my husband is Vietnamese. We ordered the "homemade soy milk". Hmmm, I thought! Now that's some work.  When we asked how they made it.... (this is good)  "We use whole milk and soy flavoring"   !!!!What The!!!!!  I CAN NOT STRESS TO YOU ENOUGH, You DO NOT KNOW what is in your FOOD that YOU DO NOT MAKE!

(moving to deeper issues)
My journey began, and still, does involve dairy allergies and there are other allergies.  But what about the DISEASES!   Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease.  So much of these are caused by FOOD and what is IN THE FOOD.  Sugar, Salt, Preservatives, Hormones, soooo much JUNK!!  I know life is busy, but wouldn't you rather be busy than dead!!??  Because, maybe right NOW you're alive and your surviving with the help of meds.  But I guarantee you, as I am witnessing first hand with my dad, your future is going to SUCK! Not only are you going to live the last of your days miserable, in pain, and in the hospital, but your family is going to suffer watching you.  If only everyone took the time to really find out and understand what is in their food. And more importantly what your body needs to function!  Protein yes, but not full of fat.  Carbs yes, BUT ONLY SO MANY and only good stuff like whole wheat, multigrain pasta, bread, potatoes - no need for crackers & chips!!! And did you know that Veggies are not only CARBS, but are full of the vitamins and nutrients need to fight bad stuff like colds, flu, cancer, soreness, eye sight, brain function, energy, menopause....etc. And although our bodies do NEED fat to function - brain function, joint lubrication, feeling full when you eat, we ONLY NEED SO MUCH OF IT! And we usually get it when we eat meat or drink milk.  We can easily get it naturally - avocados, nuts - there is NO NEED TO ADD IT TO OUR FOOD aka butter, creams, etc!

But we continue to live in a society of busyness and laziness.  No offense is intended to my awesome friend (only gratitude for giving my brain and you all something to think about and ponder on.) But you seriously don't have to be creative to cook delicious and HEALTHY food.  You do need to take TIME TO PLAN, TIME TO RESEARCH recipes, TIME TO PREPARE the foods.  I start cooking my dinner at 4p if I'm doing really good so that I can be done at 6p - I'm SOOO NOT EFFICIENT in the kitchen.  I can do some stuff in an hour, but very little in under that.  I take TIME TO PLAN: meat that I can use in several different recipes. I take TIME TO RESEARCH recipes, especially when I'm bored of burgers, spaghetti and pizza. And like I just said, I take TIME TO PREPARE my food so that it will be done in time for dinner.  I also create a menu based on our evening activities.  If we have stuff to do, I find something quick to make or I make it the night (or two nights) before.  There's nothing wrong with GRILLED chicken fingers for your kids.  And they really don't take that long to make.  You can marinate them yourself as soon as you get home from the grocery store. The grocery store even sells chicken strips unbreaded!  I usually just buy the chicken breast and cut it though. The more work I have to do, the less expensive it is and usually the less processed.

(even deeper things)
But I digress.  If you read the Bible or at least respect some of what it says, here is a verse I always come back to in this crazy society we live in:

"Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2

This world is about being being busy and lazy and giving into a society of fast, processed, and unhealthy foods. This world is about Kids being out and about, Parents being chauffeurs and doormats, Families staying busy doing sports or music.  Well, I say God intended families being together doing healthy things, including eating. So Renew your goals, Renew your life, Renew your body and Renew your health.  TAKE SOME TIME to be healthy for yourself and for your family.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No Pain, No Gain - WRONG


Howdy all!

Part II of my 2 cents to the LiveStrong Article about 5 Myths

But here is my spin on it.
There are a few circumstances when I DO NOT feel like working out or even getting my butt out of my house to the gym.
1. When I have not worked out for a few days or a week or more, I DRED coming back to the gym.
2. When I'm exhausted!!  Sometimes the workout helps, sometimes it makes me more exhausted. If it makes me more tired, I know I just need sleep.
3. Sometimes after a stint of being sick.
The reason I don't want to get back to the gym is that I know the intensity that I was working before my hiatus and I DO NOT look forward to that intensity when I'm coming back! I know I can do it, but I certainly DON'T WANT to do it!  Then I psyche myself out and just don't go!  Sooo terrible.  So here is what I have to tell myself: "You Don't Have to Work That Hard!!!"  I go to the gym with the intention of doing a light/easy workout. ON the treadmill, with weights, whatever. And really, that's what we should all intend on doing when we're getting back into the groove. If you do too much, YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF!!  Or you'll be so sore you wont' want to come back or worse you CAN'T come back.

So, if you're just getting back into it or are intending to (cough cough new mom's/spring break workouters) start slow and steadily work your way up to those crazy classes or instanity workouts.  If all else fails and you just can't make it to the gym on a regular basis, refer to part I (You don't NEED exercise to lose weight. Even though it does a body good, too much of it, can do a body much bad) So be sensible in your workouts!

On a different note, be ware of getting...addicted/obsessed.  too much of a good thing can be bad. Unless you are training for a marathon, hours in the gym doing intense cardio, intense classes, intense weights can be detrimental if you are not EATING ENOUGH & eating HEALTHY ENOUGH to counter all of those calories you are burning.  All things in moderation, people!

By the way, when I go into the gym intending to get a light workout, somehow my energy spikes and I can't help but work harder. Just listen to your body, if you're tired because you didn't get sleep - GET SOME SLEEP. If you don't have energy to exercise because you ate 4 hours ago, EAT SOME FOOD FIRST. If lifting those weights is ridiculous hard, DO LESS. (but If you can do 30reps, do more weight unless your injured...I digress)

Listen to your body and do ALL things in MODERATION.

peace out--in health :D

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

There are no excuses except for the own barriers you create for yourself.


This is a great article and it relates to sooo many people, from all the ladies who want "long, lean muscles" to the triathlete who carb-loads the night before a race.

And I just wanted to add my 2 cents!! :D of course. So, here is Part I

If you want to lose weight, you have to exercise.

You can only exercise so many hours in a day. And you can only exercise as hard as your body (or your mind) will allow you, too.  But honestly, we could all eat every hour of the day. Whether it's a frappaccino that you sip on the first hour of the morning or the pretzels that you snack on until lunch or the m&m's you snack on after lunch until dinner or the snacking you do while making dinner or the wine/beer you drink after dinner and before bedtime. Catch my drift?  The point is, if you want to lose weight, get control of your food!  

Be conscious when you eat!! Think about what you are doing and why you're doing it. Personally, my dad has been in very bad health for several months now.  I leave the hospital or his house sad and then angry and then I just want to EAT some CHOCOLATE!!  Or some kind of rich, sweet, fattening dessert, my brain just gets mad and then just wants to eat! Fortunately, at the same time, I think, OMG talk about emotional eating!!  And then, Ironically, I get mad at myself for even thinking of that since my dad's health is completely related to his type II diabetes, which was all a result of eating terrible foods - sugars mainly- whenever he wanted! Talk about accountability, not to mention a reality check.  Back to the issue, my problem is sugars, sweets, anything even considered sweet, I'm an addict.  But if I can just use some SELF-CONTROL and some AWARENESS, I can put the habit/addiction in check.

After my 2nd child, Damian, was born, I had to really watch my food intake because he was allergic to dairy. I started logging my food to make sure I was eating ENOUGH. I only worked out 3 days a week (1 hour each day-2 days strength, 1 day cardio intervals) for the first 9 months or year after he was born. But I logged my food and that was the key! The reason I'm the size I am now is because I finally could SEE what I was putting into my body. I could see how nutritious it was, or not. How many calories, how much fat, how many sugars, how many fibers, how much Vitamin A, B, C, Iron, etc.  Being Aware and conscious of what food contains is a HUGE part, I think, in maintaining your goals over the long run.  Notice, I did this for 9months to a year. I created a habit. I don't log my food all the time now.  I usually do when I'm doing really bad and need to get myself in check. (aka when my clothes start fitting tight!)

All this  to say, if you want to lose weight, look at your food. Exercise can help and give you motivation, not to mention all the great health benefits and toned body you can get, but if you're busy or your tired and exercise just doesn't seem like an option right now, IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE.  Eat Healthy Food and Eat it in Reasonable Portions!  (Healthier foods tend to be higher in calories). There are no excuses except for the own barriers you create for yourself.

Get the food log going!! whether it's on paper or on-line, Get 'er Done!


just to name a few

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hunger at Night

Oooh, that almost sounds like it could be a title of a very interesting book.  But it's literally about the "hunger" we feel at night...or lack of.

Once we've hit night time, our whole day is coming to an end, or at an end, depending on your kids ages, your husbands work schedule, YOUR work schedule, etc.

Here are a few "issues" I know of, have heard of, have experienced myself:

1.  It's dinner time, but I am sooo not hungry.
2.  I've had dinner, but now I have to put away the food. And the temptation is JUST - TOO - MUCH!  (you know what temptation I mean...take a bite, put some in a plastic container, eat a bite, put some in a plastic container. Whatever you haven't eatten, goes in the fridge for tomorrow.)
3.  I had dinner 3 hours ago and now I'm hungry again!
4.  I've had dinner and it's almost time to go to bed but I'm just so tired and I can't go to bed this early!  So I had a snack.
5.  I've had dinner, I've had dessert, I've had some wine, I'm still going to the kitchen...Why am I not losing weight? (....I plead the 5th - when ya can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all ;)

So, my response?

1. If you're not hungry, DON'T EAT! You probably ate too much lunch or too much snack after lunch, or snacked too much WHILE you were cooking (totally me!)

2. If you can't get over the temptation of leftovers - #1 don't cook enough to have leftovers OR #2 ask someone else to put them away for you (I ask my husband every once in a while when I just know I can't resist - casserole's are my down fall. I usually don't even make them!  Partly for that reason! My kid's don't like 'em too much either, though.)  OR #3 After everyone has had their portion, put the leftovers away before you even begin eatting. At least put it in containers and if someone wants more they can get it, if not, it's already packed away - top is on, just put it in the fridge.)

3-5. If you're "hungry" after dinner...

Are you trying to lose weight? Because if you are, you must put your body into a caloric deficit. Now, your body does not like this. It wants to maintain the weight it is.  So, when you're body says, "I'm hungry" consider this. If you are trying to lose weight, your body is going to be in a caloric deficit and you are going to get hungry!  But the point is not to eat those extra calories. So you'll have fill your belly up with water or distract yourself with some kind of activity or just go to bed - depending on what time it is I guess. 

Then there's the other end of the spectrum, are you eatting enough? If you ate dinner at 5p and all you had was a 1 little red potato, 5 bites of very lean meat, and a cup of green beans, but you worked out in the gym for 3 hours at very high level AND you skipped lunch b/c you were late to your kid's whater...well, you might just need to eat!  So, just try to be HONEST with yourself and figure out which one of these you are. (If this is you, that's a whole other topic and it will be filled with me saying - eat your calories!! If you don't your body is going to hold onto everything it gets and you will either gain or maintain your weight.)

Then there's the issue of "appetite".  What is appetite?  Yes, think about it......
You might, "have an appetite for steak" or an "appetite for cookies".  An appetite is more of an emotion. I FEEL like eating steak. I FEEL like eating cheesecake.  I FEEL like eating Italian.  I FEEEEEEELLLLL- I FEEL.
It is a feeling.  After dinner, do you just FEEL like eating?  Your mouth just wants something to chomp on, your eyes see cookies, your ears hears the chips being crunched on the commercial, your tired brain tells you to eat chocolate (me again!). But what does your stomach say? Cuz if it ain't hungry, you don't NEED food.

Maybe you really do feel hungry, but you're one of those who logs your calories and you know you've had all you need. So, why are you feeling hungry. Well, THIRST can be mistaken for hunger, too.  When was the last time you had some water? It does a body good! Drink some before dinner, during dinner (especially if its a salty meal) and after dinner.

If you are just craving that cookie and can't get over it...give yourself 20-30minutes and distract yourself with something else.  And drink some water.  Then see if you are still craving that cookie.

Ultimately, it all depends on you.  How much do you really want to meet your goals? 
Self-control, Self-discipline, Perserverance, Endurance
It's not easy, but it is do-able!

Just be honest, are you really hungery? or are you tired, bored, thirsty, way under your calorie goal?
Learn to listen to your stomach! Not your taste buds!  (Your salivating now, aren't you?)
Appetite, Thirst or Hunger?  You decide!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Deceptively Delicious

Have you heard of this book? It's by Jerry Springfield, no, Jerry Springer, no, Jerry McGuire, no!!  Jerry Seinfeld!! That's the one!  Jerry Seinfeld's wife.  There is also one called The Sensible Chef.  They have the same concept.  Sneaking vegetables and fruits into their foods, especially for their kids.  So, I've taken this concept and done alot of cooking with my purees.  I just wanted to share some ideas that are so do-able and make your eating lifestyle sooo healthy, without anyone realizing it!  And actually makes cooking really quick! I made my spaghetti & sauce in 20minutes yesterday!

First of all, you have to make your menu and write down what puree is going into what (see below)
Then, do your grocery shopping.  My most recent trip included 4 green bell peppers, 3 yellow, 3 red.  4 squash and 4 zucchini and a bag of carrots.  The next day I cleaned all the veggies, I "skinnend" the carrots and I pureed each of them in a a large pot.  (all bell peppers together, zucchini and squash together and carrots by themselves.)  After the first batch of veggies was steamed, I pureed it in the blender, w/ about 1/4c of water, and started the next veggie steaming. 

Once they were pureed, I measured out 1/2 cup and put them into ziplocks. I ended up with about 4 ziplocks of each bell pepper, 5-6 bags of the squash and zucchini and about 4-6 of the carrots.  I did use the carrot immediately to make my kid's some carrot/apple sauce muffins.  (I use natural apple sauce).

Oh, and don't forget, there is plenty of spices in these to make the flavor!  Oregano, Parsley, Onion, Garlic, salt, soy sauce, paprika, etc.  Whatever you need to make the flavor right.  You can use Mrs. Dash or one of those amazing spices from HEB.

(each of the puree's are 1 bag = 1/2 cup unless otherwise stated)

Burgers - zucchini & red bell pepper puree

Spaghetti sauce - zucchini, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, 1cup of squash, 1-10oz can tomato paste (i used the left over zucchini burgers instead of meat balls)

Pizza - I used the left over sauce on mini-pizza's on english muffins with turkey pepperoni.

Guacamole - My son LOVES guacamole, veggies, not so much.  His guacamole contains 1 part avocado: 1 part zucchini puree  OR 2 parts avocado:1 part green pea puree. (again, don't forget the spices!)

Salsa - I buy the Wholly Salsa or Walmart's MarketFresh salsa, but I add zucchini puree or squash puree or red bell pepper puree...or a little bit of all of them 1:1 ratio.  My son doesn't know the difference, he eats it ALL up and loves every bite!

Salad Dressing - zucchini puree, squash puree, red bell pepper puree, then I add 1-2Tbsp rice wine vinegar or cider vinegar and 1-2 Tablespoon of sweetener.

Fruity Vinegraitte Salad Dressing - raspberry, strawberry, and blueberry, puree, acai vinegar or balsamic vinegar with cider vinegar and a tablespoon of sweetener (I use frozen strawberry's and blueberry's a lot.)

Fruity Crystal Light - Ok, if you're not a "sweetener" kinda of person, then you may want to change this a little bit, but we don't have a ton of sweetener, so I think it's okay for us. 
1 large pitcher (more than 2 quarts-preferably 4 quarts
Crystal Light - lemonade or limeade flavored (it can be pink lemonade or regular, limeade or margarita flavored)
Add 3 quarts or 3.5 quarts of water (I add extra water to mine). 
1 big squeeze of lime juice (4 fresh or 1/3 of the lime shaped bottle)
About 2-3cups of frozen strawberries  (I just fill the container up. The more the better.)

Popsicles - Once the crystal light is gone, if no one has eaten the strawberries at the bottom, I puree them, and pour them into popsicle containers.  Fresh popsicles!!!!

For those that love a good protein shake, I'll just give you one good one, especially if you have a scrawny little athletic kid - kinda like mine.
Cherry Protein Icee - Cherry Crystal Light (premade in a pitcher - follow the directions) just add 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder, and 1-2cups of ice cubs. Put it all in a blender and bam! Cherry Protein Icee!  Tastes just like the one from the convenient store, but less sugar and more protein!
(I know it has no puree in it, but you can always add a fruit, like the recipe above.)

OMG, ridiculously delicious dessert!  Not the healthiest, by any means, but It's good!

Dessert Quesadilla
4 tortillas - whole wheat obviously is the healthier choice
4 tsp of butter (I use Smart Balance Light with olive oil w/ flax - it's dairy free)
4 tsp sugar or sweetener if you can handle that
cinnamon to sprinkle

1/3 - 1/2 bag of mini marshmallows
1 cup pureed bananas
2-4 Tbsp chocolate syrup (optional)

Melt the marshmallows in a pan on med/low heat (I used coconut oil on the sides to keep it from sticking).
When the marshmallows were half way melted I added in the banana. When it was all melted I added the chocolate syrup.  This can be used as a dip or the filling for the tortillas.

Put tortillas in a skillet on low heat.  Heat 1 side, then flip.  Spread butter, sugar and cinnamon on 1 side of the tortilla. 
Take the tortilla off and either fill it with marshmallow dip and make a dessert-quesadilla or cut the tortillas into triangles and dip into the marshmallow dip.


Don't Be Lazy

I know of people who have had weight loss surgery or have "tried everything" to lose weight and have not been able to lose weight or have not been able to keep it off.  But the problem is, they're looking for a short term fix to a long term problem, which really needs a long term solution.

Like I said in my previous post, people are willing to make exercise a part of their "healthy lifestyle", but their not willing to TRUELY make FOOD a part of that healthy lifestyle.  People want to come in the gym and exercise so that they can leave and eat whatever the heck they want!  #1 Calories In vs Calories Out people. And it is RIDICULOUSLY EASY to eat 3000 calories in 1 day, it is RIDICULOUSLY HARD to burn 3000 calories in 1 day!!  I could go into that, but not on this post.

But I think I know the problem. And it's a society thing.  Our society is so spoiled and so lazy.  Now, I used to think that drive-up ATM's were ridiculous. Just get out of your car and walk to the ATM! Then I had kids -3 to be exact - and I realized how convenient and helpful it was.  But let me tell you, when my kid's are not with me...Oh, I still use the drive-up ATM, there's one on every corner and not very many you can walk up to any more.  I could go off about the parking spaces that are for pregnant women (hello, they need their exercise, too. I was one - 3 times!) or the parking spaces for parents of little children. I love that because the way people drive I would rather be closer to the door with my kids.  But it's the lazy-freakin' people who DON'T HAVE ANY KIDS WITH THEM who park there!  Oh, that drives me nuts!  I only park there when my kids are with me- my little kids - not my 12 yr old, she can walk.  So many things that are modern day "conveniences" are making us spoiled and lazy!!  Do everything from your computer/your phone/your ipod - you don't have to leave your house - great! More fat butts and hunched backs!

But seriously, the problem is that in order to truely eat healthy, you have to THINK about it. It takes work! It takes effort! It takes brain power! It takes Time. And I'll be honest with you.  With 3 kids, I don't always have the brain power or the energy!  But I certainly try my best and smetimes I have off days.  But let me get into that later.

Just a little background story.  I made somewhat healthy choices most of my life. (that's a whole 'nother story)  But after my son was born, we found out, at 3months, that he was allergic to dairy.  Well, wanting to be healthy and continue to breast feed, I had to cut dairy out of MY diet.  This made me analyze everything I ate and what I realized was that I had dairy in almost every meal!  Milk with my cereal, yogurt for snacks, cheese in my salad, butter already in sliced bread you get a the store, milk with my dinner.  I mean, I literally didn't know what to eat.  So my problem became, "Am I eating enough??" So I started diligently tracking my food.  All the websites say, for safety reasons, if you are pregnant or nursing do not limit your calories.  Well, that was not my problem.  I made sure I was giving myself enough calories, but finding those calories that were not filled with dairy was a challenge.  My point is #1 it took me wanting to take care of my child to actual track my calories!!  (I had tracked my food before, but never my actual calories!  I always though that was a bit much.) 
And #2 It took me tracking my calories and doing it for an entire 9months, to realize what I was eating and to realize how many calories were IN the foods I was eating.  I had no idea dairy was in almost everything I ate!  And I had no idea how many calories I was eating my simply eating an apple, or a slice of bread with some honey on it!  I've had friends track their calories and realize they eat fast food much more often than they realized.

You see we all have selective memory. We only want to remember the good things we've eaten.  I did start writing down my food when I got married (before my dairy allergy son was born), but I wasn't logging my calories.  I did realize that I was eating 3 desserts a day rather than just the 1 that I THOUGHT I had been eating.  It was a habit/lifestyle to have a little something sweet after every meal!  But it was only after my son when I logged my food & calories for 9months that I LEARNED how to eat. It was a lot of work!!  It took a lot of time!!  And even 5 years later I'm still learning and tweaking and falling off the wagon and getting back on.  But for the most part, I make healthy choices-lots of veggies, lean meats, very little processed foods-lots of fresh foods that I have made myself!!  I would not consider myself a health nut, even though I am very healthy.  But I still have cookies and I still go on eating binges from time to time and I love a good burger. I'm not perfect.  I get tired and I eat! I get stressed and I eat!  But I know how to get myself back under control.  And when I want something "unhealthy" like a burger or fries, I make my own!!  I can control the calories, the fat, the grease, and I sneak veggies into my food (see next post).  You see when you have a healthy LIFESTYLE, those off days, or simply that, OFF DAYS.  They come and go.  The goal is to make your regular habit of healthy foods and healthy choices outweight the days that you go a little nuts and have something way out of your calorie limit or totally processed or full of sugar or sodium, whatever your poison is. (mine is sugar!)

What's my Point??

DON'T BE LAZY!!  If you want to lose weight it's gonna take work and not just in the gym!
USE YOUR BRAIN!!  If you want to be healthy, you're gonna need to THINK about WHAT YOU EAT!  Because a donut every sunday morning at church is NOT OK. Exercise during the week so that you can drink your margarita's or cases of beer or bottles of wine on the weekends is NOT OK. Feeding yourself and your kids burgers and fries and an orange SODA before their softball, soccer, volleyball or cheerleading practice is NOT do your grocery shopping. You have to pre-cut your veggies (or puree them like I do).  You have to make healthy snacks for your kids when you're on the go (homemade granola bars or carrot/applesauce muffins).  You have to take the time and the effort if you really want to be healthy.
And if you have no idea HOW to do it, ask for help!!!  Us trainers, at least the ones I know at my Y, are more than willing to help.  We will even show you our food diaries on myfitnesspal. (If you show me yours, I'll show you mine)   Ask us questions, we'll give you our secrets and our recipes.  It is totally do-able! Even for mom's who work full time!  Not an excuse.  You just have to put your priorities first and take the time and make the effort.

It"s A Lifestyle

Sometimes I wonder why I even have a blog. I rarely post anything and when I do no one comments, so I don't know if anyone is actually reading...Well, I do see that I've had 221 views, but I've had this for so long and like I said, there are so few posts that I've made. And it's not like I don't have stuff to say, it's just a matter of me having time...or making time...to sit down and type it up. Honestly, I have tons of thoughts, I'm usually making my lunch during those thoughts.  And making my lunch takes me about an hour to prep (my kids lunch included).  But it's a choice I make. I take the time to prepare my lunch because I don't want to eat boxed food out of the freezer. I want to have a fresh salad with all kinds of random fixin's (which is exactly what I'm eatting right now. I even posted it on my facebook today! Look it up -  I'm under Vicki Ellis Luu on facebook.)  And if I'm doing really good, like I am today, I'm logging my food into my fitnesspal on my ipod throughout the process...which probably takes about 1/3 of the time.  But again, it's a choice I make. And so is sitting down the type this blog. I could easily be practicing my songs for church band (I'll do that after since practice is in 6 hours) or checking my email or cleaning my house (which totally needs it right now!) or making a flyer that I need to make for yet another thing I'm volunteering for.  But no, I'm making the decision to share my thoughts with you.  Do you see the theme?  It's all about choices!

I guess I could've titled this post "Choices", but the more often you make the same choices, the more it becomes a habit, which inevitably becomes a lifestyle. Which brings me to my point.

I see so many people go to the gym.  And I love to see them there.  I've seen people on their fitness journey, where they start off on the treadmill only!  Then they'll slowly try out the elliptical and build up the minutes they can actually stay on it. Then they'll even try out some weight machines or maybe a group exercise class.  I've even seen people who start out only on the treadmill, work their way up to 3 group exercise classes a day!!  And I see them on a regular basis! I mean, they have made exercise a part of their lifestyle!!!  But...(here it comes)...most of the time (not all, but the majority by far) they're goal is to be healthier and to lose weight.  And yes, they have made exercise a part of their lifestyle, but their weight hasn't budged.  And although their meds have been decreased, they're still on 'em.  You see, exercise is only 1...or 3...hours out of 24 hours.  Why is it that people are willing to make exercise a part of their lifestyle, but they are not willing to change their food??????  How you eat is a lifestyle, too.

I met this stranger during spring break who had just started with a personal trainer and had just finished a spin class. She was getting a smoothie for her post workout snack.  This was a coffee shop and out of all the choices, she got a pina colada smoothie-seriously??  Sure there's some fruit-pineapple, but maybe 1/8 of it!!  The rest is milk and sugar! sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, SUGAR!!! I didn't say that, but you KNOW I thought it.  Then she proceeded to tell me how her trainer told her to eat and how there was no way it was realistic or possible to do the diet long term.  What was so funny, is she described EXACTLY, let me re-iterate, with no exaggeration- EXACTLY  How I EAT!

high fiber breakfast with fruit
high protein snack with veggies
high protein, high fiber lunch with veggies or fruit
high protein low fat snack with veggies
small dinner with protein & veggies and very little to no carbs depending on your previous meals

I did tell her that is exactly how I eat and that it is totally do-able and that is the way to eat if you want to be healthy and maintain the weight loss.  She seemed surprised, like, she still didn't believe it.  But really, she just didn't WANT to believe it.  Because she wasn't willing to make those choices. She wasn't willing to learn or try or to put in the hard work or take the time it was gonna take to make the "diet" suggested a lifestyle.

I have even more thoughts on this, but I'll make another post in case you need a break or a chance to process this.  Just think about it. What kind of lifestyle do you really want?  Exercise can be hard work, but it really doesn't take a TON of brain power.  Just make your body move and burn some calories. But if you REALLY want to be healthy and you really want to lose weight and keep it off, you've gotta learn to eat right - what you eat, when you eat, where you eat, how you eat...it all matters.  But you have to be willing to make the choice enough to make it a habit, to make it a lifestyle.

(see my awesome lunch made out of a bunch of leftovers!)
