Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Self control... such a difficult thing

Self Control... it covers so many things in life from spending money, to your words, to your reactions, to your food intake...

I feel like I'm in an 80's or 90's t.v. sitcom today. You know when all the different characters have totally separate stuff in life going on, yet it all relates to the same topic? Except that, for the most part I'm talking about different areas of my life going on and all having the same topic.

I fell off the wagon with logging my food and calories 2 weeks before Thanksgiving!  Arrrgh, I started the month off strong, but that one weekend of over indulgence, and a weeknight then two with 1 glass of wine which turned into 2 which turned into unnecessary food intake.  So, I am REALLY struggling to get my eating back under control. If you don't know me very well, yes I am a trainer. Yes I talk the talk, but I certainly am not perfect at walking the walk.  It's almost worse seeing that it's out of control when that little food monster inside of me takes over.  Because I know full well that when the monster settles down and my belly is ridiculously full, but especially the next morning when the monster is still sleeping, I'm gonna feel so terrible that I actually ate all that I ate, no matter how big or small the bites. I mean, you would think that my belly was a bottomless pit!  I seriously think I lack the Gruelin hormone that tells your brain to STOP eating. I think they should do some research on Gruelin supplementation. I'd be the first to sign up for that study. Anyway,

I'm also struggling with emotions. Someone said something to me that I found offensive (I said, "I'll pray for you", by the way, to which he responded, "don't push your beliefs on me"). Now this is a person who I've known a long time, oh forget the charade, it's my brother. He loves irritating people by saying offensive things.  So, I'm pretty p.o.'d about this. But he is in the middle of a difficult situation so when I wanted to tell him, "if you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all" God told me to do that. So I just said "I hope things go well today." Even though I really wanted to say "well, F  you then." (yeah, I know. See it's that little monster again!)  But I fumed about it to several people, including my husband and thank God he and my girlfriends are all Godly and have given me Godly advice.  Because if I were a selfish person (...withholding a negative comment...) then I would totally have told him off even though he's in the midst of this stuff.  But God told me, "Vicki! You are not suppose to be angry. You are suppose to be forgiving." Then my friend read a quote about how society thinks that to love you have to agree on everything, but really love is about respecting people's differences.  Then I saw another quote in another friend's book about forgiveness and love.  God OK I hear you!!  So, I need to control my emotions, my anger, my frustration, my resentment and give it all to God.   I can't change anyone and shouldn't let them derail me, my sense of worth or my beliefs, but it sure is hard not to get mad and instead forgive and love.  But God calls us to.  And we can CHOOSE to or not, but it all comes down to SELF-CONTROL. I'm not saying we don't need a higher power to help. Although this person doesn't think there is a higher power, I firmly do.

So today, my goal is to make my MAKER happy and proud. I WILL keep praying! I will pray for my brother who told me not to, for his heart and his situation, and I will pray for ME and my heart and my situation.

Now off my soap box about that...the point is, Self Control is not easy, but it is necessary for your health, for your relationships, for your sanity.  When it comes to food, sometimes we need to a seek a higher power. I need my brain to work a little harder. I need to use discernment, am I hungry or am I thirsty? Sometimes I just need to keep my butt OUT OF THE KITCHEN!  We're all different, but those of us with food struggles have a lot in common.  I don't have any great concluding statements. I think I just need a miracle at this point, on both of the above topics.

I hope everyone is able to Love above all this holiday season. Have some self control and come out on top.