Monday, March 7, 2011

Heart to Heart...with myself!

I just made a batch of dairy free chocolate chip cookies for Damian to take to school with him tomorrow.

Last time I made a batch of cookies, 2 weird things happened.  1.  I ended up eating about 6 cookies every day for about 4 days, until they were gone!  The other funny thing is that 2 days after my cookie binge I had several people tell me how great I looked!!  Really?!  They had no idea I had just binged on cookies. They said, "That little belly is from the baby." My belly has actually gotten bigger in the last 2 weeks and it's from COOKIES!!  So, I was going to write something called..."Cookies will be the Death of me"  Or  "I fell off the Cookie Wagon"  But I never actually sat down and wrote anything.  So, instead of making dinner at this instant, I'm blogging.  But enough about procrastination, I'm hear to talk about Temptation!!

I'm not going to lie. I did have about 1 small cookie worth in cookie dough and 2 cooked cookies.  But I have to say, as they are sitting there on the cooling racks, I so just want to stuff them in my mouth...dip them in milk first and then STUFF them in my mouth.  But honestly, after the previous two, I could FEEL the yuckiness that I felt last time.  You see, I also didn't get to workout today.  I was busy trying to get a new phone since mine decided to take a dip in my mom's iced tea as we were coming home from San Antonio.  A phone is important in case of an emergency, especially with 3 kids, so I canceled some clients and my workout and got busy.  I say this, because when I don't work out, it makes it even harder to resist temptation.  I hear that it's really all mental.  Whether it is or not, it's definitely true for me.

Now, my title is, "Heart to Heart...with myself".  So you may think, "How conceited". Or you may think, "How crazy!" But the reality is, this is what I do to fight temptation.  So, as I continue to walk around the cookies, give 2 to my 3 year old and am about to put them into containers for school tomorrow, I have to continually TELL MYSELF, "Don't eat it...  It's only going to make you feel worse...  You didin't get to workout, you do not need the extra calories!...  It's not going to taste any different or any better than the first 2 cookies...  There's no point...  DON'T DO IT!!!"  All of these thoughts I must tell myself to resist that cookie temptation.  I am determined to NOT fall off the wagon this time.  Part of what helps is remembering how crummy I felt after the last cookie binge.  And not only did I feel crummy, but I felt out of control. I couldn't stop!  I ate cookies in the morning after my breakfast, I ate them after my lunch, before my dinner. It was ridiculous.  But not this time! I'm taking charge of my myself, my actions, my temptations!  I will resist!  And I will get my workout in tomorrow!!  Maybe even a little extra to make up for today.

Now, y'all be good.  Talk yourself OUT of the temptation if necessary. It doesn't mean your crazy. It mean's you are in control of your own actions. 

Temptation - Own It!     Don't let it own you.

(Sorry for the cheesy line, I couldn't resist.)

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