Sunday, February 8, 2015

Being Organized saves you Time and Money

....what does this have to do with being fit you ask?  Well, being fit...being HEALTHY, Saves you time and money as well.

If you hate cleaning, is an amazing site that will help keep you motivated and tell you exactly what to do.  You just have to do it!  In one of her articles Routines Can Save You Money  She talks about a few things that I wanted to share with you because it is SO TRUE!!

Planning your menus for next week and preparing a grocery list before you go shopping can help too. This keeps you from going to the grocery store multiple times each week. This alone can save you $50 a week. There is hardly anyway to keep from spending less than that each time you go to the store. If you are cooking then you are saving more money by not getting takeout from restaurants. That could alone could save you another $25 a week. This amounts to $3900 for a year.

Wearing good shoes for your feet help in lots of ways! Good shoes gives you more energy and keeps you from breaking toes and cutting your precious feet. More energy helps you to exercise more and take better care of yourself; this saves on doctor bills. One co-pay for an office visit could save you $20 a month. A broken foot could set you back $1500 for an emergency room visit. Shoes save you more than you would ever think about. $1740 is amazing when a good pair of shoes could runs around $50. What an investment! This doesn’t even count the money you save because of the energy you have to keep your home in order.

These are things that I, and my other trainer friends, tell our clients all the time!  And yes, it's easier said than done to plan ahead, but it is soooo worth it in the long run!  And being active and eating healthy NOW save you money from going to the doctor, getting meds, having surgery, whatever! Just life healthy people!!!

I know for me, I'm usually worn out and exhausted and I just. want. a. break!  But the times when I drink an extra cup of coffee and just Make Myself do the prep work, I am so thankful for it later on!

Planning should be a priority.  Even if you only take 15 minutes to prep your veggies, it's better than not having any ready to go and taking an entire hour to make a salad for lunch (There goes your lunch break!)  Oh, I'm talking about me.  Most of you probably would just choose something different (less healthy) or purchase something (spending more money).  See how it all works?

So, plan ahead for your meals and activities and your workouts!! Even if that includes riding your bike around the neighborhood with your kids or playing outside with them. This way your moving around and spending time with those you love.

Oh and one more thing: since Saturday is Valentine's Day, eat really clean Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday, so you can indulge on your date night and not have to feel guilty or cause your mate to be upset that he/she took you to a nice restaurant just to order a stinkin' salad and water!  I mean, at least get a dessert if you're just getting a salad!  Happy Valentine's Day.

Be Healthy

Vicki Luu

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