It's about to be a New Year! And everyone wants it to be A New You kind of a year, but very few will succeed!
A few tips for you to be successful reaching your goals in 2015:
1. Be ready to CHANGE!! "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results." -Albert Einstein
Whether you want to quit smoking, quit drinking, quit eating so much, workout more, play outside with your children more, park in the back of parking lots or take the stairs from now on, Be Dedicated!! Don't make a half hearted decision just because you think you should do somethimg or you feel guilty or because someone said you should.
You need to make a conscious decision right NOW that you WILL DO WHAT IT TAKES!
That you WON'T GIVE UP, and you WILL JUMP BACK ON board when you fall off.
2. Breaking bad habits means you need to replace them with new healthy habits.
Quitting anything (drinking, smoking, eating) means you will have to RESIST TEMPTATIONS and BREAK HABITS. Figure out what New Healthy Habit you are going to replace your old bad habit with. For example, instead of a smoke or a drink or dessert, get yourself a new water bottle and fill it with water, lime, & mint. Take a 10 minute walk and enjoy your refreshment. Chew some gum if you still need something. Or pick up baton twirling... Just kidding. But maybe not. You could start playing that instrument that you've always wanted to learn. Spend money on lessons instead of cigarettes.
3. Get a partner. But first, to those that are married: It's extremely important to your success to communicate with your spouse about this goal of yours and how important it is to you. You can't rely on them for your success but their support and encouragement will be integral to your success.
Now find someone who will take those walks with you. It can be a spouse, a child, a dog, a co-worker. Let's NOT have 2 people who are half heartedly fighting the same temptation though. (I mean you and your partner. This should NOT be your partner in Crime. This should be your accountability partner. And you better choose wisely if you want to succeed.) This should be someone who has already conquered this habit, or who will be a good roll model, an encourager and a motivator for you. Hiring a personal trainer is great, but what about the other days of the week? Find a workout partner who will be willing to push you but help you be successful too.
4. Remind yourself WHY you are making this goal. There could be so many reasons but some of the best reasons I can think of (aka the reasons that motivate me and keep me accountable to myself) is my kids. I want to set a good example for them. I want them to be healthy too. I want to be healthy FOR them. I want to spend time with them doing fun healthy activities. I don't want to embarrass them by my bad habits. I want them to be just as proud of me as I am proud of them.
5. And most importantly, Expect to Fail... at first! This is not going to be easy, so don't expect it to be. Expect to mess up! And be ready to pull your big girl panties on (or big boy briefs) and start over again! No one ever learned to walk without falling. And I'm not just talking about babies. There are real people, adults, who have been injured, had strokes, been attacked by terrorists and have had to RE-Learn to walk. They didn't do it without falling down. They didn't do it without pain, tears and sweat. They also didn't it without determination and encouragemen, motivation and love from those around them. So, don't get down on yourself for messing up. Just figure out what went wrong, correct it (aka don't put yourself in that situation again, be prepared next time), and start over again with even more determination and even more effort than you put forth before! Your hard work WILL pay off in the end. But ONLY if you WORK HARD! AND NEVER, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP!
Have a Happy, Healthy 2015
Trainer Vicki
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