Tuesday, October 9, 2012

No Pain, No Gain - WRONG


Howdy all!

Part II of my 2 cents to the LiveStrong Article about 5 Myths

But here is my spin on it.
There are a few circumstances when I DO NOT feel like working out or even getting my butt out of my house to the gym.
1. When I have not worked out for a few days or a week or more, I DRED coming back to the gym.
2. When I'm exhausted!!  Sometimes the workout helps, sometimes it makes me more exhausted. If it makes me more tired, I know I just need sleep.
3. Sometimes after a stint of being sick.
The reason I don't want to get back to the gym is that I know the intensity that I was working before my hiatus and I DO NOT look forward to that intensity when I'm coming back! I know I can do it, but I certainly DON'T WANT to do it!  Then I psyche myself out and just don't go!  Sooo terrible.  So here is what I have to tell myself: "You Don't Have to Work That Hard!!!"  I go to the gym with the intention of doing a light/easy workout. ON the treadmill, with weights, whatever. And really, that's what we should all intend on doing when we're getting back into the groove. If you do too much, YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF!!  Or you'll be so sore you wont' want to come back or worse you CAN'T come back.

So, if you're just getting back into it or are intending to (cough cough new mom's/spring break workouters) start slow and steadily work your way up to those crazy classes or instanity workouts.  If all else fails and you just can't make it to the gym on a regular basis, refer to part I (You don't NEED exercise to lose weight. Even though it does a body good, too much of it, can do a body much bad) So be sensible in your workouts!

On a different note, be ware of getting...addicted/obsessed.  too much of a good thing can be bad. Unless you are training for a marathon, hours in the gym doing intense cardio, intense classes, intense weights can be detrimental if you are not EATING ENOUGH & eating HEALTHY ENOUGH to counter all of those calories you are burning.  All things in moderation, people!

By the way, when I go into the gym intending to get a light workout, somehow my energy spikes and I can't help but work harder. Just listen to your body, if you're tired because you didn't get sleep - GET SOME SLEEP. If you don't have energy to exercise because you ate 4 hours ago, EAT SOME FOOD FIRST. If lifting those weights is ridiculous hard, DO LESS. (but If you can do 30reps, do more weight unless your injured...I digress)

Listen to your body and do ALL things in MODERATION.

peace out--in health :D

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