You see, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you choose to let the negative things in life be negative in your life, then your life will be negative and all you will see is all of the bad things that happen to you. But the worst thing is - if you choose to only focus on all the negative that happens to you, then you are losing out on seeing all of the good things that happen to you. If you choose to see the positive things, then you will see ALL of the positive things, no matter how tiny they are.
Did you know that 7 positive things make up for 1 bad thing? You can view this in 2 ways:
Well, there aren't enough positive things to make up for that 1 terrible thing that happened. >:\ (negative)
It only takes 7 tiny, almost insignificant things to make up for that 1 terrible thing? Awesome! (positive)
I mean, finding a penny on the floor could be viewed as positive. How many times have I been 1 penny short or maybe 4 pennies and I just happen to have 4 pennies in my kids car seat. All 4 he found on the ground! (Because I certainly didn't give them to him:) The person walking by you in the hall who smiled at you and said hello and they don't even know you. They could have just ignored your presence completely and kept walking. Or maybe that person who bumped into you. They actually said excuse me, instead of just walking on like you should've gotten out of their way when you had no where to go but the wall.
You see every thing in life, and I mean EVERY-THING, can be viewed as a negative circumstance or a positive circumstance. Let me give you just one example.
The Amber Alert was started after a little girl in Arlington, TX was abducted. A neighbor heard her scream and was able to call the police department with a description of the vehicle. Local news and radios broadcasted the information right away. Unforunately the girl's body was found 4 days later. But it was this response that gave someone the idea to have this response every time a child is abducted. As of January 7, 2010, the AMBER Alert Program was directly responsible for the safe recovery of 495 children. (
Although this was a tragic circumstance for this family, something good came of it for 495 other families. What do YOU choose to focus on?
When my family was in a roll over car accident in January 2010 a wonderful lady who witnessed the accident stopped to help. She was standing outside my upside down vehicle holding my 2 year old and hugging my 10year old daughter as my husband was unbuckling my 4mo pregnant self. After I had climbed out and was with my kids, the woman looked at me and said, "How are you doing so well?" (I wasn't crying, I may have been shaking, but only a little.) I told her, "Well, what's done is done. I can't change it and we're all okay. " Now granted, if we had not been all okay, I'm sure my demeanor would have been different at that time. But whatever the outcome could have been...What's Done - Is Done. We can't change what has happened to us. We can only react. And how you choose to react is how you will handle life. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. You may have to force yourself to do what is necessary and you may have to force yourself to restrain acting the way you really want to act. But just like your reaction to what has happened to you, what YOU do will also cause a reaction and so on and so on.
So, what will you choose?
Will you choose to allow the negative events in your life define your life and make life miserable for you?
Will you choose to turn those events into something positive?
Learn from them; Grow from them; and Become a better person because of them
Did you know that 7 positive things make up for 1 bad thing? You can view this in 2 ways:
Well, there aren't enough positive things to make up for that 1 terrible thing that happened. >:\ (negative)
It only takes 7 tiny, almost insignificant things to make up for that 1 terrible thing? Awesome! (positive)
I mean, finding a penny on the floor could be viewed as positive. How many times have I been 1 penny short or maybe 4 pennies and I just happen to have 4 pennies in my kids car seat. All 4 he found on the ground! (Because I certainly didn't give them to him:) The person walking by you in the hall who smiled at you and said hello and they don't even know you. They could have just ignored your presence completely and kept walking. Or maybe that person who bumped into you. They actually said excuse me, instead of just walking on like you should've gotten out of their way when you had no where to go but the wall.
You see every thing in life, and I mean EVERY-THING, can be viewed as a negative circumstance or a positive circumstance. Let me give you just one example.
The Amber Alert was started after a little girl in Arlington, TX was abducted. A neighbor heard her scream and was able to call the police department with a description of the vehicle. Local news and radios broadcasted the information right away. Unforunately the girl's body was found 4 days later. But it was this response that gave someone the idea to have this response every time a child is abducted. As of January 7, 2010, the AMBER Alert Program was directly responsible for the safe recovery of 495 children. (
Although this was a tragic circumstance for this family, something good came of it for 495 other families. What do YOU choose to focus on?
When my family was in a roll over car accident in January 2010 a wonderful lady who witnessed the accident stopped to help. She was standing outside my upside down vehicle holding my 2 year old and hugging my 10year old daughter as my husband was unbuckling my 4mo pregnant self. After I had climbed out and was with my kids, the woman looked at me and said, "How are you doing so well?" (I wasn't crying, I may have been shaking, but only a little.) I told her, "Well, what's done is done. I can't change it and we're all okay. " Now granted, if we had not been all okay, I'm sure my demeanor would have been different at that time. But whatever the outcome could have been...What's Done - Is Done. We can't change what has happened to us. We can only react. And how you choose to react is how you will handle life. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. You may have to force yourself to do what is necessary and you may have to force yourself to restrain acting the way you really want to act. But just like your reaction to what has happened to you, what YOU do will also cause a reaction and so on and so on.
So, what will you choose?
Will you choose to allow the negative events in your life define your life and make life miserable for you?
Will you choose to turn those events into something positive?
Learn from them; Grow from them; and Become a better person because of them